Circuit Tree in a new avatar

Circuit Tree is expanding day by day and in order to meet the complexity of vast requirements of embedded design we have redesigned the application. The new application is super easy to use, 10x faster than the previous version and efficient enough to generate simple or complex designs as needed.

Embedded Part selection

Select Embedded elements and parts

select embedded processor and controllers

Select processors from the various options and search bar

Embedded board power up

Select various power up cases

Select Advanced circuit design options.

Select Advanced circuit design options.

Not only is the user interface changed we now support loads of features to provide quick design export options. You can now export Altium, Orcad and Eagle designs through circuit tree through menu or request dispatch over the registered email.

Embedded hardware design Automation

Various design export options as well options to email files when then generate

We now also support auto placement module where based on the dxf file intelligent board component placement is generated by circuit tree. The time required to generate simple placement to complex placement varies between 20 seconds to 7 minutes which is solely dependent on the complexity of the design. Compare this time to the manual placement of the components and you will find it useful. Circuit Tree is most useful tool to you where iterations at prototype stage need to be done to find the best form factor fit.

Intelligent component placement stage

Pre Component Placement stage

Interested to see more of some interesting placement results. Additional details of this new feature is covered in a separate post.

Automated intelligent component placement by circuit Tree

Automated intelligent component placement by circuit Tree

Automated intelligent component placement by circuit Tree

Example of Automated intelligent component placement by circuit Tree

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