Real time BOM cost through Octopart

We are happy to announce that we are using octopart to fetch cost of the bill of material in real time. The way it works is

  1. After you build design schematic the unit cost of the circuit tree selected part is fetched from octopart.
  2. The unit cost is found from the list of the vendor options in octopart to provide the lowest cost option to the user. The minimum order quantity which is closest to the order quantity is also selected.
  3. The ordering link is provided in the Bill of material excel sheet for you to order from.
  4. The total cost of the bill of material for each components is calculated for the quantity and provided in the excel sheet.

This is a great option as it helps your design by:

  1. Estimating the cost of his bill of material before starting with a design.
  2. Change part in circuit tree requirement editor in real time to reduce cost of the bill of material.
  3. By helping to reduce obsolescence issues and component procurement issues.
Figure1: Snapshot of Bill of material excel sheet generated from octopart

Snapshot of Bill of material excel sheet generated from octopart

Some of the other example Bill of materials can be found at following link.

Short Introduction to Circuit tree

Circuit tree is a circuit board design software application having intelligence of a hardware engineer to create embedded circuit board designs. It features more than 1000+ processors and controllers along with extended hardware peripheral library.

Here is a introduction video to circuit tree:

To start building your circuit board design now click on Access Tool.